Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Its Back To School Time!!!

Here are a couple of bulletin boards I made using my Pazzles. I have become a very popular girl once the teachers found out what this machine can do! How cool is it that I can pick a theme and make it happen? As soon as one of the teachers said she was doing a sock monkey theme this year I went straight to my Pazzles and created the file. She loved it. The principle told me he loved when I did the boards because they were custom and not boring. The teachers really love the custom boarders too!  I love doing the bulletin boards! To me its like doing an over sized scrapbooking page!  What ever the theme is, I always make one to represent each student in that particular class. So there are 17 fourth graders so 17 airplanes. The same for the monkeys. 16 students = 16 monkeys.  That way they can take them home or glue them on a notebook...etc. when the board gets changed.  I glued the paper airplanes onto clothes pins before pinning them to the board.  This make them pop off the board and when the students take them home they can clip them onto something.
I purchased all the files on this paper airplane board and a few for the monkey board from Miss Kate Cuttables.  If you haven't discovered her site yet now is the time to visit. She has tons of fabulous files and a freebie every day!


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